02 February 2008

another journey

Well I am back from the land of bratwurst! If I had to pick two words to sum up Germany they would be: cold and gray. I really don't mind cold that much as long as it's sunny. There was only one day when the sun shone for a brief moment. That moment was really exciting though and made everyone really love the sun. It was fun to see some old friends and make new ones. I was almost killed by a real German...a German Shepherd! For real I thought it was going to hop over the fence. Have you ever seen the movie 'The Sandlot' with The Beast? Well, it was kind of like that! Yeah good times.

So anyways I am back now and enjoying the weekend and really appreciating even more where I live. Also, I just realized that it's February 2nd, so Happy Groundhog's Day! I don't know if he saw his shadow or not and I don't remember which means which, but here's to a short winter!

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