29 February 2008


Well that's right kids it's that time once again: February 29th! I can't believe that tomorrow is March 1st! Time keeps flying by.

In language class we had to write a favorite recipe using a certain verb tense. I wrote down a recipe for cinnamon rolls, and so many of the other students had no idea what they were that I made them for class today! Needless to say it was a good day! I'm actually bummed that school is going to be over soon. I'm going to miss seeing the same people every day. But it's time to move on too, and I will try to stay in touch with a few of them.

I hope everyone has a wonderful leap day. Go crazy! It only comes around once every 4 years!

24 February 2008


wow I can't believe that it's already almost March! The days seem to be flying by. Classes are going pretty good. Only a few more weeks left before finals. I hope I didn't forget how to study! Overall though, I feel like I am making progress in my language, building relationships with people, and feeling more and more adjusted to this awesome city. Guess what? It's pretty cool.  

In other news, I also wanted to share something that I meant to post earlier with my entry about my trip to Germany. So in the airport we had to go to the bathroom. First of all, the bathroom was like a porta-potty and seemed really weird and out of place. Oh yeah, second, there were urinals! No, we weren't in the men's room either. So I took a picture. In the bathroom. In Germany. Yes, I got a weird look or two. But it was worth it to share this with you now.


Yep, there ya go. You are welcome. Have a great day!

18 February 2008


Well I am feelin´good today! I went to apply for residency at this official government place and I did it! woo hooo! I was really nervous that I was not going to be able to understand what was going on, or that I was going to be deported or something, but it was all good. It´s the little things that add up to confidence right?

So I have changed the settings on my keyboard to European style. Most of the letters are the same, but the symbols are not. For example this letter thing: Ç what is that? Anyone?? Here it is in lower case: ç . Haha this is funny because a lot of the them are switched around, so when I want a question mark, I actually have to hit where the plus sign is.

Well good times indeed. It´s Monday and I am getting ready for class. It´s raining a little and kind of yucky outside, but I get to wear my cute rainboots, so that´s a plus! Alright peace out!

13 February 2008

Happy Heart Day!

Hello all! I'm feeling happy today and I just wanted to spread the love. Things have just been going really great lately. I went swimming yesterday, so that was awesome. We also had a bunch of our friends over yesterday morning, which means that we got a bunch of yummy pastry goodies from our bakery. I'm serious, everything that they make is simply awesome. I don't understand it, but I love it!

In other news, I have about a month of school left. I have 3 finals and a speech that I have to give in front of one of my classes! I have to talk without notes for 15 minutes, so that should be interesting to say the least!
Well Happy Valentine's Day eve everyone!

08 February 2008

Union, dearest Union...

My dear alma mater Union University was hit by an F4 tornado on Tuesday evening. The pictures and videos of the school are pretty heartbreaking. Some of the buildings where I spent 4 of the best years of my life are completely gone. It's so miraculous that every single student survived! The school still has a very long road ahead of it and there is much work to be done, but I've never been so proud to be a Union alum than these last few days. Every time a student or faculty member was interviewed, they always gave God the glory for protection and grace.

All this to say, please keep Union in your prayers: the faculty and staff, the students as they try to process what they have experienced, and particularly the President, Dr. Dockery, as he tries to lead the school. There are also ways to donate money and resources. Below I have posted a link that will take you directly to Union's disaster relief webpage. Please consider what you can give and what you can do to help.


02 February 2008

another journey

Well I am back from the land of bratwurst! If I had to pick two words to sum up Germany they would be: cold and gray. I really don't mind cold that much as long as it's sunny. There was only one day when the sun shone for a brief moment. That moment was really exciting though and made everyone really love the sun. It was fun to see some old friends and make new ones. I was almost killed by a real German...a German Shepherd! For real I thought it was going to hop over the fence. Have you ever seen the movie 'The Sandlot' with The Beast? Well, it was kind of like that! Yeah good times.

So anyways I am back now and enjoying the weekend and really appreciating even more where I live. Also, I just realized that it's February 2nd, so Happy Groundhog's Day! I don't know if he saw his shadow or not and I don't remember which means which, but here's to a short winter!