12 May 2008


I have just been thinking a lot today and the past few days about God's goodness. No matter what, He loves us. He loves us all the same, without question. It's not like I haven't heard this before, but really thinking on this concept just blows my mind. The Creator of all things desires a relationship with me. He has sought me out to save me from a life of toil and despair! What a Savior!

Amazing Love!
How can it be,
That you my King
would die for me?
Amazing Love!
I know it's true.
It's my joy to Honor You,
in all I do, I Honor You.

It is my hope and desire that you know Him in a personal and real way, and that you experience His amazing Love.

1 comment:

jenny said...

Chach, I hope you and Amy and Jen have a fantabulous time...but think about me...in Missouri...blah!

Love you!!! :) :) :)